Think Spring And Plan Ahead For De-cluttering
Moving from a low-rise home to a condo sometime in the future? Now is the time to collect up items you no longer want or need and come up with a plan. Your first order of business should be to find out what your children or other relatives would like – but I can tell you that today’s Millennials are not as attached to “stuff” as their Baby-Boomer parents. Don’t be shocked when they say “No” to things you think of as heirlooms.
Then once family is taken care of, you have a number of options, such as holding a spring yard sale. If you Google “how to hold a yard sale,” you will find wonderful tips on how to make the most of your efforts. Or you could enlist an auction representative to help you put items up for sale. Usually, they will come to your home and suggest what will go over well. Another way to make a few dollars is to sell to consignment stores such as Play It Again Sports. Remember, one person’s unwanted items are another person’s treasures. There are also Facebook Buy and Sell groups, as well as the terrific site VarageSale.com – a virtual garage sale organized by area. You can also check out Mom-to-Mom sales in your neighbourhood. Kids outgrow clothing, toys and equipment quickly, so why not sell these things so other families can benefit from them?
If you would be happy to simply say good-bye to things without concern for money, consider donating them to thrift stores or shelters. And if you have books, keep in mind that libraries often take donated books and then hold book sales themselves. Then again, if the “stuff” you have to get rid of is of no real value to anyone, look up junk removal services.
When you move into your beautiful new condo suite, you want to bring only those items that will fit well and enhance your lifestyle. I know it’s hard to believe as we trudge through snow and ice, but spring is just around the corner. It’s a great time for de-cluttering and preparing for a fresh new start.
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