Your Condo Corporation And Your Lifestyle
During these days of the pandemic, condominium residents are hearing a lot from the members of their condominium corporations about health and safety, especially in the lobby, corridors and other common areas. For example, there are limits to how many people can be inside an elevator at any given time. Of course, during the pandemic, the building amenities are not being used, but condo corporations are paying for extra cleaning and sanitizing services to these areas, as well as hallways, elevators and lobbies. Residents are expected to do their best to avoid the spread of COVID-19 as well.
This is only one aspect of the many responsibilities board members attend to. Among them are awarding contracts for building maintenance, hiring staff, setting up a code of conduct for residents, ensuring that the reserve fund remains ample for future repairs and determining amenity hours and use. The board members should be respected, as they are residents too, and have all suite owners’ interests at heart.
You might want to consider joining the condominium board of directors. For one thing, you have a say in the way things are done – and everything is done to protect residents’ and their guests’ comfort, safety and privacy. Keep in mind, as well, that board members often become friends. Typically, they come from a variety of fascinating backgrounds. In addition, the duties are interesting, and everyone on the board wants things to run as smoothly as possible. Even when no pandemic is affecting our lives, condo residents are all in this together!
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